Saturday, June 3, 2017

Takahachi Bakery

Cute and delicious Japanese bakery.  My friends and I tried 5 of the desserts: the matcha crepe roll, cassis noir mousse, Kyoto matcha mousse, truffle cake, and strawberry shortcake.  I also got a matcha latte.  Everything was good.

Matcha crepe roll -- filled with a red bean cream with just the right amount of sweetness.  It was a lot of cream, which I normally don't like, but it was light and fluffy and not overwhelming.

Cassis noir mousse -- loved the tartness of the cassis to balance the sweet.  My only nit would be the cake part at the bottom was neither cakey nor crunchy, so I was confused by the texture (flavor was good though).

Kyoto matcha mousse -- good, but not as memorable as the two above.

Truffle cake -- surprisingly good (I've come to expect not-so-good chocolate desserts at Asian bakeries, but this was good).  The cake was dense, but not dry, and the mousse part was also rich, which works for me since I like chocolate (and prefer richer, denser chocolate over airier mousses).

Strawberry shortcake -- pretty good as well.  As is often typical of Asian bakery cakes, the cake was a lighter chiffon cake.  A tad sweet for my liking, but good overall.


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