Monday, August 29, 2016

Les Miserables

I love Broadway musicals.  Phantom of the Opera was my first, Wicked is the one I've seen the most, but Les Mis will always be my favorite.  It was the first and only musical I performed (by perform, I mean played in the orchestra pit) in high school.  So you can imagine my disappointment when I came to New York for college and discovered that Les Mis was no longer being performed on Broadway and was only able to see it for the first time in London when I was studying abroad.  And then the Les Mis Revival came to New York...except then I thought there would be no more rush and never bothered going to see it, until now.

Les Mis is ending on Sep 4, so I finally got tickets.  I thought they made a nice use of the screen and projections, although it was strange to not have a turntable set for those familiar with the original staging.  I liked Val Jean and Javert, found Marius to be nasally and Cosette pitchy, but regardless, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and now I have all the songs stuck in my head.  Hope everyone gets to see it before it ends!

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