Saturday, January 28, 2017

Rice Cake (Traditional) 年糕 Recipe

Rice cakes 年糕 (nian gao) literally translates to "year cake," and cake (糕 gao) is a homonym in Chinese to the character for high (高), so this dessert is typically enjoyed during the New Year as a wish to reach new heights (年年高升 nian nian gao sheng, "rise high each year").

The dessert is usually first steamed and then battered in an egg wash and pan-fried, but it can also be enjoyed as is or in dessert soups.

1 pack (16 oz) sweet rice flour (I buy Mochiko brand)
2 1/4 cups water, divided
1 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
2 1/4 tablespoons cooking oil
1 egg, beaten (for pan frying batter)

In a pot, dissolve the sugar in half of the water over med-low heat.  In the meantime, combine the flour with the remaining water and oil and mix.  Add the hot sugar water mixture to the flour and mix well.  Pour the mixture back into the pot and stir constantly over low heat, making sure the bottom and sides don't burn, until it's a thick, pudding-like consistency.  Pour into a foil pan or glass bowl and steam for 50-60 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean from the center.

I had extra goji berries from my baked rice cake, so I did some decorating

When ready to serve, cut into small pieces and dip into egg wash.  Pan fry on all sides.  The batter and pan-frying gives the dessert a crispy exterior and chewy interior.

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