Tuesday, May 16, 2017


abcV is Jean-Georges's new vegetarian restaurant.  Despite being carnivores, my friends and I were looking forward to trying something healthy with high potential of being delicious too.  The short verdict is we enjoyed our meal but didn't love every dish, and overall we were hoping for better, considering it's JG.

The cauliflower was my favorite dish.  It was crispy on the edges and flavorful on its own, even without the delicious cheesy sauce.  The pomegranate and pistachios were also a nice touch.

The beets were simple but delicious as well. The chili aioli and pickles went well with the dish.

The burdock noodles were very fragrant and flavorful.  The only thing we didn't like about this dish was the tempeh, which had a strange mushy yet crumbly texture.

The whole artichoke was pretty good with the olive oil dip, but the dip alone was pretty salty.

The chickpea hummus and pine nut and lemon dips were okay, but not that memorable, except that there were very few pieces of pita and a lot of vegetable crudités.  We opted to get both pita and 
crudités for each dip, and we ran out of dip (and pita) way before we were done with the veggies.

I had high hopes for the spinach spaghetti, but found the flavor to be too tart.

The dosa also didn't taste too authentic.  It was ever so slightly on the thick side, which meant it was on the doughy/chewy side and not crispy enough.  We got it with the avocado and sprouts, which were fine, but they were served on the side and not wrapped inside the dosa, so it felt like a random pairing to me (why avocado and sprouts with dosa, other than everyone loves avocado?).

Anyway, overall nothing was bad, but I'm not sure this would be at the top of my list to try again.


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