Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Breads Bakery - Cheesecake Babka

Breads Bakery makes my favorite chocolate babka (see review here), so imagine my excitement when I found out they make a special cheesecake babka in May.  I wasn't too sure how I'd like it, as I'm normally so-so on most cheesecake, but obviously I had to try it.  First sign that I would like the cheesecake babka was when I was in store, and one of the workers was handing out free samples of their cheesecake...and it was deliciously light and airy; not too dense, not too sweet.  The babka was just as good; the cheesecake filling went very well with the buttery bread (how could it not?).

That said, I still prefer the chocolate babka, as 1) it's chocolate, and 2) there are more layers, but the cheesecake babka is definitely worth trying at least once.

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