Friday, December 30, 2016

Roast Chicken Recipe

Back in 2013, Buzzfeed put out a wonderful "Ultimate Roast Chicken Tournament" to find the best roast chicken recipe.  Thanks to them, I don't feel the need to experiment on my own, and I'm quite happy that the winning recipe (Thomas Keller's) is super simple and requires only 3 ingredients.  Sold.  Winning recipe below for reference, but feel free to try the other 7 if you wish!

One 2-3 lb chicken
Kosher salt
Black pepper

Let chicken come to room temperature (remove from fridge at least 45 minutes before roasting).  Preheat oven to 450F.

Dry chicken very well on outside and inside.  Sprinkle salt and pepper inside chicken cavity.  Truss chicken.  Then season outside of chicken with lots of salt and some pepper.

Place chicken breast side up on a rack over a roasting pan.  Roast in oven for 50-60 minutes.

Let chicken sit on cutting board for 15 minutes before removing twine and carving.

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