Of the breads, I tried the green tea bread with red bean filling as well as a purple rice taro bread, and both were very good. The bread was light and airy, not dense or dry at all. It was not warm, but the texture was still good, even the next morning. The green tea bread had a strong green tea flavor, and the purple rice taro bread had actual pieces of soft taro...none of that artificial flavoring and coloring.
Of the pastries, I tried the taro puff and the egg yolk puff. I liked the egg yolk puff more but will admit I'm partial to red bean fillings (although I clearly really like taro too). Of the two, the egg yolk puff was more dense and a little more sweet. The taro puff was nice and flaky, and the filling wasn't too sweet. Both were good.
Moving on to the famous egg tarts. I tried the normal egg tart and the German pudding one. The regular one was good but not that special (I reheated at home because egg tarts should always be warm!). The German pudding one was really good though. The filling was a bit more like Portuguese egg tarts and was a little lighter/more custard-like/less eggy, although it didn't have the caramelized top. Both were respectable renditions though.
Finally, I sold my soul to Instagram and got a hot dog bunny just because it's cute, full well knowing it probably didn't taste like much and I should go with the more traditional hot dog bun with scallions instead. Well, I was right...the hot dog bunny was pretty average, but people like to see cute faces on their food I guess.
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