Friday, February 16, 2018

Happy Lunar New Year!

Happy Year of the Dog! 狗年吉祥!

The dog is the eleventh animal of the Chinese zodiac, and as we all know, dogs are loyal best friends, and human dogs (lol) should be too!  Trust the zodiac.  I came across this fun site on zodiac animals and thought I'd share for those interested in reading about the different personalities and characteristics of the various zodiac animals.  I certainly remember that was staple reading for me at Chinese restaurants growing up.  (Why did they all have to use the same paper placemats?)

To learn more about Chinese New Year traditions, see my CNY blog post from last year!

Wishing you all a very happy, healthy, and prosperous year filled with good fortune!

身體健康 ,

Rice cake recipes: traditional steamed and baked

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