Sunday, April 30, 2017

Ali Wong Show

Anyone who knows me knows I've watched Baby Cobra five times and have pretty much memorized all the punch lines.  Obviously comedy is best fresh the first time around, but I love(d) Ali and the show so much, I had to spread the love and make all my friends watch it too.

Long story short, my friends and I were all over the ticket game last fall and hopped on a conference call 10am the first morning of the first pre-sale so that we could coordinate our tickets and seats.  Turns out we couldn't pick seats, but it didn't matter, because we all got tickets and have been eagerly waiting for April 29 to come for months.  Well, April 29 came, and I laughed so hard I cried.  Good thing I don't normally wear make-up.

Someone recently commented to me that being a big Ali Wong fan is an Asian thing, which I had honestly not thought about at all.  I assumed there would be a big Asian following and a lot of Asian pride that there's an Asian comic, but I thought many of her jokes were universally funny.  Perhaps not everyone would agree though.  Yes, she has a number of race, particularly Asian, jokes that someone who shares the culture would identify with and appreciate more, but I enjoy and laugh at non-Asian comics' jokes about other cultures, so what's the big deal?  Anyway, I guess it's a bigger truth than I realized, as so many audience members were Asian.  So much so that her opening line was about all the Asians in New York being at her show last night.

But that's okay; not everyone has to have the same taste.  I had a great time regardless, and judging by the audience reception, I was not the only one.  Two thumbs up for Ali Wong!

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