Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Tang

I've been craving authentic Chinese noodles, and The Tang lived up to the hype.  We enjoyed the noodles as well as the appetizers.

Smoked duck egg -- flavorful and well cooked, with soft but not runny yolk
Cucumber salad -- okay, but underwhelming; there are better cucumber salads at other spots
Beef short ribs -- very tender (pretty marbled meat)
Chilled beef shank -- flavor good, but meat was a bit tough; they could've also sliced it more thinly
Sesame tofu -- this was the best; highly recommend!
**Side comment: the egg and both beef appetizers are all served over a bed of cucumber; doesn't really make a difference to me, but couldn't help but notice the same garnish/plating in all 3 dishes!


ZJM (炸醬麵 zha jiang mian) -- good, simple take on a classic dish; thick and chewier noodles (very al dente, could've maybe been cooked just 1 more minute for me)
MJM (麻醬麵 ma jiang mian) -- chicken was very tender; dish overall felt light and was good for a hot day; slightly thinner noodles than ZJM


Overall, good comfort food, and I plan to go back to try other noodles too.

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